Microsoft office uninstall reinstall office 365
Microsoft office uninstall reinstall office 365

Restarting your Mac also solves all sorts of other problems like apps that refuse to open or an Apple Watch that won’t unlock your Mac, which is why it’s so often touted as a go-to troubleshooting solution. You can then check how much free space you have using Finder. If you’ve deleted everything but still aren’t seeing as much free space as you’d have hoped, give your Mac a restart by clicking Apple > Restart. Finally, open the Trash and click “Empty” to permanently delete everything you just removed.

microsoft office uninstall reinstall office 365

You can do this by clicking and dragging the dock icon until you see “Remove” appear, then release. MS Office is now a package install, where it used to have multiple installs for Outlook, Excel, Etc the entire MS Office package must be completely uninstalled. Once the computer restarts check programs and. Lastly, any dock items you might still have should be removed. Try uninstalling all the versions of Office you find in Programs and Features, then restart your computer. Remove Any Dock Icons Left Over and Empty Trash any files that begin “Office2011_” from Library/Receipts.

microsoft office uninstall reinstall office 365

  • the “Microsoft” folder from Library/Fonts.
  • the “Microsoft” folder from Library/Application Support.
  • .helper from Library/PrivilegedHelperTools.

  • Microsoft office uninstall reinstall office 365